Documentary Films
Unity in Diversity: Co-operation, collaboration and friendship in multi-faith Myanmar.
In 2014, Myanmar Deitta initiated a visual documentary project which explored and celebrated examples of inter-religious harmony, productivity, co-operation and friendship as a means of opening a dialogue into the subject of religious diversity in Myanmar.
Six stories, each a photo-essay and short film, documenting a close personal relationship between two or more people in a community, work or home environment. The work focused on visually compelling stories of friendship, co-operation and mutual respect; the common factor linking each story being the depiction of mixed faith relationships.
The photographs and short films were made into a public exhibition, specifically designed as a means of highlighting positive examples of Myanmar's religious diversity in a way that drew people in rather than alienated, and therefore stimulated dialogue on an issue which is becoming increasingly difficult to discuss. in addition they have been widely aired on both domestic and international Myanmar TV and regional film festivals.
Crossing the Barriers
This film follows the journeys of 6 local women administrators in Myanmar. Local administrators, known as Village Tract/Ward Administrators connect communities to township administration. There are 42 women local administrators out of a total of 16,785, (or 0.25%).